'Why are they speaking to other firms about investing in their series A?' she asks. Laurie makes it clear she's unhappy that Monica hasn't locked Pied Piper's funding. Someone's compression will save the world from data-getton, and it sure as hell better be Nucleus and not God-damned Pied Piper.'Laurie tells Monica that she's been named the new managing partner of Raviga, driving home the point that they need to appear strong to their investors.

There will be nothing short of a catastrophe.

'At the current rate, the world's data storage capacity will be overtaken by next spring. 'Ninety-two percent of the world's data was created in the last two years alone,' Gavin says. I just got humiliated by a f**king teenager at TechCrunch Disrupt, and you give me this tampon ad.' Gavin goes on a rant about the coming explosion in data. 'I have a question,' Gavin says afterward. 'By the end of the day,' Erlich says, 'there may not be a Raviga.' In a conference room full of executives, Gavin watches the new marketing spot for Hooli's Nucleus. Erlich says they're vulnerable at Raviga now that Peter is gone. And you know, he just.that was it.'On the way out of Raviga, Erlich calls Jared and tells him to set up meetings with all the other venture capitalist firms who've been courting Pied Piper. 'He hadn't run in a long time,' Monica explains, 'maybe ever. She explains that, while on safari, Peter ran out of his tent after a commotion. Richard and Erlich go to Raviga and ask Monica what happened. 'You take money from the wrong dudes, you'll get smoked as bad as I did.'Jian-Yang casually mentions to the guys at the Hacker Hostel that Peter Gregory is dead.

'Don't get f-ked,' Javeed tells a fearful Richard. But you're the other kind of Indian.' Erlich tries to connect with the Winklevoss twins.Richard runs into old pal Javeed, who relays his story of woe at Goolybib: The company was acquired, the investors fired him and he blew his signing bonus on rent. 'You hear the word chief and you think: Indian chief. 'Together, Richard,' the Stern Taylor guy announces to everyone on the field, 'we'd be a hoooooome run.'Gilfoyle and Dinesh meet a rep from Stern Taylor and fight over who's Pied Piper's Chief Technology Officer. Stern Taylor Capital Fund, a venture capitalist firm, is throwing a party at the stadium, in an attempt to woo Pied Piper while they're deciding on who'll fund their series-A financing. 'Sorry, I can't really throw it any slower,' the pitcher says. Written by Clay TarvernnnDirected by Mike JudgeA pitcher at AT&T Park winds up and throws a pitch across the plate.where Richard, at bat, flinches instead of swinging.